After patiently waiting to take their turn, athlete pairs parade onto the competition floor with their team name placards in tow. Their march is characterized by the swagger of an athlete ready to full-send it, made fuller with the steady crescendo of electric cheers ringing throughout the venue. It’s a vibe—no doubt about it it.
What unfolds is a revolutionary glimpse so full of inspiration and promise that its equally simple origin story seems almost inexplicable. Seasoned CrossFitters, spirited Fargo locals, and a team of humans managing these fortuitous moments rallied together to champion inclusive competition for all. And having the most fun while doing so. See the highlights for yourself!

A place for every athlete to belong, compete, and excel. This is the spirit of the Able Games. And it’s nearly time to turn up the dial on inclusive fitness. We’re expanding the vision and taking things to a new level!
The 2023 Able Games is slated for March 31-April 1 at the SHAC in Fargo, ND.
To learn more about the founding vision and mission of the Able Games, check out this video. Also, stay tuned to the Able Games Instagram (@theablegames) for official updates on when 2023 registration will open, division standards, and more.